Friends of the Foundation - National Research Foundation "Eleftherios K. Venizelos" Skip to content

Friends of the Foundation

The association called “Friends of the National Research Foundation Eleftherios K. Venizelos” aims to the support, assistance and moral and financial contribution towards the Foundation, based in Ηalepa -Ηania, in order to fulfill its mission, which is the systematic research and study of the life, work and era of Eleftherios Venizelos.

The aims of the Friends of the National Research Foundation “Eleftherios K. Venizelos” are, among others:

  • the support for the scientific and cultural projects of the Foundation,
  • the funding for tendering, awarding scholarships and the cover of its operational needs,
  • the approach towards business and economic factors of the country, in order to benefit the Foundation,
  • the finding of sponsors and funds, in order to strengthen the educational infrastructure, scientific and cultural work of the Foundation,
  • the awareness of the people for the Foundation’s work.