
Project "Digital Monuments and Documents on Eleftherios Venizelos" (OPS code 5092049) Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020". Inclusion Decision: A.P.: 3177/06-06-2022 (ADA: 6ΦΓΘ46ΜΤΛΡ-07Δ) Beneficiary: National Research Foundation "Eleftherios K. Venizelos" Total public...

Partners' research projects [vc_separator type='normal' position='left' color='' thickness='2' up='10' down='10'] i. Greek war victims' pensions 1912-1922 The Scientific Advisor of the Venizelos Foundation and Researcher Emerita of the Research Center for Modern Greek...

Projects of digital culture [vc_separator type='normal' position='left' color='' thickness='2' up='10' down='10'] i.  "A digital journey to Eleftherios Venizelos’ Crete” (Operational Programme CRETE 2014-2020). Ultimate Beneficiary: National Research Foundation "Eleftherios K. Venizelos". Collaborating Institute: Chania...

Research programmes [vc_separator type='normal' position='left' color='' thickness='2' up='10' down='10'] I. Cretan Portrait 19th - 20th century The programme aims at gathering, in the form of a data base, detailed biographic data on historical...

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