Author: venizelos_foundation

Eleftherios Venizelos has been identified with both the peak of the Great Idea for the Treaty of Sèrves of 1920 and with its final liquidation at the Treaty of Lausanne...

Eleftherios Venizelos had the capability of choosing his collaborators, inspiring them with his vision, and of monitoring personally every creative activity. Thanks to these merits, which had already been manifested...

Venizelos began his political career in Crete in 1889 as a member of the liberal party of the island, and distinguished himself as a politician during the 1897 Revolution. During...

The function of a state of law by creating strong modern institutions was one of the fundamental values in which Venizelos believed. He had the talent of imposing his views...

Eleftherios Venizelos was born in the Turkish-occupied Crete in the village of Mournies, which is situated outside the town of Hania, on August 11, 1864. His father Kyriakos Venizelos, a...

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