Australian branch - Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών και Μελετών "Ελευθέριος Κ.Βενιζέλος" Μετάβαση στο περιεχόμενο

Australian branch

Australian branch

The branch will be a center for documentation and retrieval of data and information, as well as a reference center for matters concerning Venizelos and his era. It will be able to convene conferences, invite international personalities, organize student competitions, make publications, cultivate Greek-language literature, and encourage research and studies. The branch’s fundamental goal is to work closely with the National Research Foundation “Eleftherios Venizelos” in Greece, based on its existing Statute of Operation, and to undertake programs and actions to be implemented in close cooperation with the Foundation in Chania, Greece.

The first Board of Directors of the branch consists of Antonis Tsourdalakis (Victoria), President of the Cretan Association of Australia & New Zealand and former president of the World Council of Cretans, Dr. Anastasios Tamis (Victoria), President of the Australian Institute of Greek Studies and President of the Australian Institute of Macedonian Studies, Christina Kotsifaki – Sarri (Victoria), President of the company Pelagos, Aristea Konstantopoulou (Victoria), Academic & Associate Accountant, Dimitris Papadimitriou (Victoria), Secretary and former President of the Cretan Brotherhood of Melbourne, Dorothea Saristauros – Di Battista (Victoria), Civil Engineer, Costas Paterakis (Victoria), Media Program Producer, Polychronis Koutsakis (Western Australia), Author & Professor at Murdoch University, Ioannis Anoikomatis (Northern Territory), Honorary Consul of Greece in Darwin, former Head of the Northern Territory, Brasidas Karalis (New South Wales), Professor and Head of the Department of Modern Greek at the University of Sydney, Emmanuel Vitetzakis (New South Wales), President of the Cretan Brotherhood of Sydney, Giorgos Neonakis (New Zealand), Honorary Consul of Greece in Wellington, New Zealand, Argyros Michelakis (Victoria), President of the Pan-Cretan Association of Melbourne.

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